Comparative essay on three victorian stories - "Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde" by R.L.Stevenson, "The Red Room" by H.G.Wells and "The Man with the Twisted Lip" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
"How did the Victorian authors create fear in thier readers?" This essay compares three Victorian Stories - 'Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' by Robert Lewis Stevenson, 'The Red Room' by H.G.Wells and 'The Man with the twisted lip' by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. These authors have toyed with the readers' belief as well as questioned their way of life and opinions. These weaknesses seem to play a vital part in the stories as …

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…repulsive and would have felt uneasy by his 'very penetrating dark eyes'. Doyle also plays with the Victorians beliefs like Wells and Stevenson. In conclusion I have decided that all three authors use the Victorians views on morality and their beliefs in God as a basis to create a story which goad's fear in a reader's heart. Also the characters within their story and setting play a vital part to construct an effective gothic novel.