Comparative Study of Texts and Context: "Brave New World" and "Blade Runner"

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The quality and importance of humanity's relationship with the natural world is evident in a comparison between Aldous Huxley's dystopic novel, "Brave New World", and Ridley Scott's futuristic film, Blade Runner. The zeitgeist of each text affects the portrayal of humanity and nature, with each composer extrapolating from their own time elements of contemporary trends which they found disconcerting, into a hypothesized future. Both texts highlight the inextricable link between humanity and nature, and illustrate …

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…during their period have shaped them. However, there are underlying similarities between the two texts, in that both composers warn the contemporary responder against uncontrolled technological advancement by presenting dystopic visions of possible futures. Both texts are warning the audience about the consequences of continually trying to suppress or destroy nature. Life itself is seen as inextricably linked with nature, and so any attempts at the suppression of nature is ultimately a suppression of life.