Communist containment in Asia

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Essay Database > History
COMMUNISM: An in-depth look at the success of the communist containment in Asia. Paper Outline I. Introduction. II. What is Communism. a. Ideas b. Policies III. Who was involved. a. History IV. How did communism get there. a. Soviet Union b. China c. Spread V. Events leading up. VI. Why the United States decided to attempt to contain it. VII. Goals of the containment. VIII. The Truman Doctrine. a. Success IX. Conclusion. During World War …

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…-575 3) Truman, Margaret. Harry S Truman. New York: William Morrow and Co., Inc., 1973. pp. 344- 372. 4) "The Truman Doctrine." Grolier Encyclopedia. 1993 ed. "Vietnam War." Microsoft Encarta. 1994 ed. Primary Sources 1) Draper, Theodore. "American Hubris: From Truman to the Persian Gulf." New York Review of Books, 16 Jul. 1987, pp.40-48. 2) "Truman Doctrine Speech." gopher:// 3) "The Truman Doctrine: The Unstoppable Boulder." Economist, 14 Mar. 1989, pp.19-22. 4) Serfaty, Simon. "Lost Illusions." Foreign Policy, Spring 1988, pp. 3-19.