Communism in Russia (19th Centuary)

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Essay Database > History > European History
YR 10 History Essay: The Definition of communism is: A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labour for the common advantage of all members. Communism was brought into place after 2 revolutions against the tsar in Russia, the First was because the ruler of Russia Tsar Nicholas the second was a very corrupt and incapable ruler and the country was extremely poor and unhealthy in many ways. So …

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…communism theory was not a bad one, In theory, but the practical side of things was not so good. There were many floors in the idea and many aspects that were not considered. This has been proved in many countries, not just Russia, these include China, East Germany, Cuba, Vietnam. The idea would work perfectly if everybody was honest and incorruptible, but sadly this was not the case and probably is never going to be.