Communication within a culuture

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
John Allagh Principals of Persuasion Exam 1 March 27, 2003 1.Persuasion, defined by Borchers as the medium a culture uses to transmit its messages-be they spoken words, printed words, radio, television, or other electronic means- forever changes the members of that culture as well as what is communicated by that medium. Persuasion is also defined as the means and ways of influencing, and changing people's minds about a particular good or service. I look at politicians as the …

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…going about there business with little or no fear of whatever danger we might be facing. The other day we watched the Oscars, which was speculated not to take place, but the urge for Americans to be out and about is greater than any terrorist attack. Dreams are still being chased as game shows parade themselves on TV every night, millionaires are instantly made by lotteries, and the dream continues in every other Americans soul.