Communication Issues in the Workplace

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Pages: 10
(approximately 235 words/page)

Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Abstract Within the workplace, there are many factors that affect overall communications. These factors alone may not break down the barriers of communication; however, when you add two or three factors together, the lines of communication begin to weaken. This deterioration of communication leads to larger issues and slowly the company begins to fail. When a company fails, everyone suffers. Knowing how to handle workplace communication issues can mean the difference between a company that …

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…affect our communication our professional lives. We have discussed how there are things in our lives that we cannot control, such as stress, conflict or an illness and how that affects our communication. This paper has covered a large area of communication and issues that surround it. We have improved our knowledge through communication once again. Now that you have received the information we have passed to you, it is time to end this communication.