Common question about Early American History.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Chapter One 1. What developments in Europe created an interest in exploration by 1492? By 1492, advances in navigation and naval architecture created an interest in exploration. The compass was adopted by the Europeans along with calculating latitude by using the quadrant, an instrument that measured the altitude of the polestar or the noonday sun and the astrolabe, an instrument that calculates the position of the sun and other major nearby stars with respect to both the horizon …

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…xceptions such as Anne Bradstreet who was very original in her style of poetry. The type of writing that flourished in America was contained in newspapers, broadsides, pamphlets, instructional books and almanacs. Music was also not very popular in colonial America. Church was the main place to hear music. Architecture in America was also very primitive in the earlier stage, but as the 18th century rolled in, the architecture improved and became more original.