"Common Sense" by Thomas Paine

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Manos Mathew<Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/> English 206<Tab/> Prof D.S. <Tab/>"Common Sense" is an argumentative essay written by Thomas Paine. This essay was distributed as pamphlets during the early beginnings of the American Revolution to incite and make the Americans aware of the British …

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…British, instead of crediting himself for writing the essay he wrote by Anonymous. If the British had found out it was in fact Paine who wrote the essay, he would have been killed for treason. Even today Paine's "Common Sense is looked at as the key works that helped ignite the American Revolution. <Tab/> The Norton Anthology of American Literature (Volume I Fifth Edition) eds. Baym, Franklin, et al. pp 693-699.