Common Colonials.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The colonies each differed in their own ways; however, they all faced many of the same hardships. Hardships such as: trouble with the Indians, England's varying control, and the wars they were each dragged through. The problems with the Indians stemmed from the abuse of them by the original colonists and grew into a near never-ending battle. The Indians fought back as the English continued to push then off of their land. However, this was …

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…the colonists and made them bitter to the presence of the redcoats, and for a long time after the revolutionary war this bitterness caused the distrust for a standing army during peacetime. So, the increasing control from the crown, the problems with the Indians, and the countless wars were all struggles that the colonies had to deal with. They faced these struggles no matter what region they lived in nor what colony they were from.