Commmunist Manifesto.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Banned: Communist Manifesto The Communist Manifesto was among the most feared and banned books in the 20th century. Written in 1848 by Karl Marx and the lesser known Frederick Engels, "The Communist Manifesto" founded the modern political movement of communism most notably in the former Soviet Union and The People's Republic of China. The Communist Manifesto has been one of the most banned books in the 20th century for many reasons. One of the major reasons …

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…achieving this goal, the proletariat will destroy all remnants of bourgeois culture. Most of Marx's ideas can be viewed as attacks on capitalism, and when the bourgeois are in control of what books are banned, books making attacks on them will be banned. In America the book was banned because its obvious communist views were directly opposed by America's very anti-communist views. Americas relations with communist countries in the world also kept the book banned.