Comments of Huntington's "The Clash of Civilizations

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Samuel P. Huntington's paper "The Clash of Civilizations" defines the shifting of causes for friction between nations. He describes the changing of the guard, between secular ideological friction, such as democracy versus communism, to cultural and religious reasoning. Huntington's hypothesis is based heavily on examples of recent struggles between civilizations all over the world. I agree with Huntington's hypothesis because it is evident that since the fall of the "Iron curtain" culture and religion have …

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…The Clash of Civilizations." Abstract. Jan 23, 2000. ( Heilbrunn, Jacob. "The Clash of the Samuel Huntingtons." Abstract. August 1, 1998. ( Kung, Hans. "No Peace among Civilizations without Peace among Religions." Abstract. November 22, 2000. ( "Religion, Culture, and International Conflict After September 11." A Conversation with Samuel P. Huntington. June 17, 2002. (