Comic Book Heroes: Phenomenon or Fad?

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Genres
Although comics first appeared in newspapers at the turn of the 20th century, it was in the 1930s that they took the shape that still defines them today. This period saw the emergence of the superhero genre with the likes of Dick Tracy, The Phantom, and Flash Gordon. But it was really during World War II that comic books reached their Golden Age. At this point, two publishers competed for the top spot. One was …

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…proved to be only the tip of the iceberg. In addition, it's clear that comic books are not just for kids. They're a mainstream hobby and a growing number of adults take interest in the psychological complexities of the characters. It has become a bona fide art form. The Sub-Mariner, Catwoman, Ghost Rider, and a horde of other film adaptations are currently in pre-production. It's clear that the comic book phenomenon is no dying fad.