Comedy and Tragedy in Alan Moore's "Watchmen"

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Essay Database > Literature > English
"The world is a tragedy to he who feels and a comedy to he who thinks," was one of the main sentiments voiced by Dramatist Mark Cole--he tied it into irony and tried to illustrate how the same event, given a change in time or perspective, can seem very different. The first thing I thought of when I heard this was The Comedian. In Alan Moore's brilliant graphic novel Watchmen, cited in Wizard: The Comics …

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…professor Laurel Saiz pointed out in a 2001 letter to the Post-Standard, it's hard to believe it won't happen, given the cast of characters (crazy bearded fellow who needs a dialysis machine to survive trying to take over the world, crazy southern oil profiteer with deer-in-the-headlights look perpetually on his face trying to, well, to take over the world...). Today's tragedy is tomorrow's comedy, just as even in the present it's all a matter of perspective.