Columbus the Villian
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Essay Database > History
Columbus the Villain
In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. And, when he reached his destination he killed, raped and enslaved innocent natives. Was Columbus a villain? The answer to that question, in my opinion, would be yes. Christopher Columbus was a cruel, self-centered, delusional man who does not deserve to be praised for the discovery of America.
First, Columbus was a cruel man who enslaved, raped, and murdered the natives of the countries he sailed
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had been previously proposed. Christopher Columbus was a cruel, delusional, and self-centered man who does not deserve high praises for the discovery of America. He allowed the killing, rape, and enslavement of innocent natives. Columbus was an ego-maniac who believed that he was doing the natives favors by killing them. If he had not discovered America, it is believed that some other Europeans would have. As one can plainly see, Columbus was a true villain.
had been previously proposed. Christopher Columbus was a cruel, delusional, and self-centered man who does not deserve high praises for the discovery of America. He allowed the killing, rape, and enslavement of innocent natives. Columbus was an ego-maniac who believed that he was doing the natives favors by killing them. If he had not discovered America, it is believed that some other Europeans would have. As one can plainly see, Columbus was a true villain.