Columbine should they restrict cliques

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Throughout the country, in each and every school there are cliques the development of cliques is inevitable. While some cliques deliberately exclude people, most cliques include a group of friends who are very close. As a result the people who are left out of a clique feel lonely and angry. Many outsiders are taunting them every day, which only makes them angrier. Eventually these people snap and take their anger out innocent people. The Columbine …

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…they should either be suspended off a team or suspended from school or community service. The school should also hold assemblies and workshops focused on sensitivity to others. In conclusion, the Columbine shooting was a tragedy. However that does not justify a school going to the extreme and expelling someone for writing a story. Schools should focus on getting the students to be more sensitive to each other then just focusing on the scholastic part.