Colour symbolism in F. Scott Fitzgerald's "Great Gatsby"

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > International
A careful examination of the " The Great Gatsby", by F. Scott Fitzgerald reveals that his intention was to satirize the Corruption of society. Set in the core of America, Fitzgerald portrays a hedonistic society decaying in morals and consumed in materialism, he expresses this through the symbolism of colour and nature. Likewise, The critic, J.S Westbrook suggests the failure of American society are " symbolized by two patterns of revolves around the problem …

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…with flower symbolism conveys the recklessness hidden within the deceptive appearance of glamour of the wealthy. The colour yellow and blue represents the billboard of Dr T.J Eckleburg, which epitomizes the strengthening of materialism at the loss of morality. The symbol of the "foul" river water of The Valley of Ashes as opposed to the seawater surrounding the West and East Egg, symbolises the moral decay concealed beneath the beautiful facades of the wealthy.