Colorado Newspaper Evaluation of Federal vs. State Government

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Within a five week's collection of Boulder County's, Daily Camera, three different levels of government were addressed. Each of these different levels focused on various policies to protect or enhance the well-being of the citizens within its jurisdiction. The policies mentioned within the five weeks can be viewed on many different analytical points: the constitutional relationship, the relationship to the definition of federalism and government structures, and media relationships with the government. Each finding within …

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…the entire media. Journalists are paid to express their opinions, otherwise the media would be disenchanting and less enlightening. However, an entire newspaper will not be biased in one way, instead, it will pose all sides of an argument so readers may understand different views and opinions that sway politics. Otherwise, if a paper was completely biased in one direction, it would be considered more of a cult following than an informative source of politics.