Color perception principles
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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Our contemporary understanding of the concept of colour is rooted in Newton's work, Optics (1730), in which he demonstrated that white light was made up of coloured light. Soon after the publication of Optics, physicists were able to show that visible light resulted from electromagnetic waves of a cetrain frequency. The area of the electro-magnetic spectrum that we see as light lies between frequencies of 360 nanometres and 760 nanometres. However an objects hue is rarely of a
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Sensory Systems 1 Vision and Visual Systems - Readings from the Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Boston: Birkhauser. MANN, I. and PIRE, A. (1946) The Science of Seeing. Middlesex: Penguin. MARR, D. (1982) Vision. New York: Freeman. SAARINEN, J. and KOHENON, T. (1985) Self-organised formation colour maps in a model cortex. Perception, 14 (6), 711-719. TANSLEY, D. (1965) Vision in Vertebrates. London: Chapman and Hall WRIGHT, W. (1967) The Rays Are Not Coloured. London: Adam Hilger ZEKI, S. (1993) A Vision of the Brain. Oxford: Blackwell.
Sensory Systems 1 Vision and Visual Systems - Readings from the Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Boston: Birkhauser. MANN, I. and PIRE, A. (1946) The Science of Seeing. Middlesex: Penguin. MARR, D. (1982) Vision. New York: Freeman. SAARINEN, J. and KOHENON, T. (1985) Self-organised formation colour maps in a model cortex. Perception, 14 (6), 711-719. TANSLEY, D. (1965) Vision in Vertebrates. London: Chapman and Hall WRIGHT, W. (1967) The Rays Are Not Coloured. London: Adam Hilger ZEKI, S. (1993) A Vision of the Brain. Oxford: Blackwell.