Color Imagery in The Red Badge of Courage. A description of what red, green, and gray represent in Stephen Crane's novel.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Color Imagery in The Red Badge of Courage Stephen Crane uses color imagery and color symbols in The Red Badge of Courage. Green represents youth, red is a symbol of Henry Fleming's mental visions of battle, and gray is used as a symbol for death. The colors are subtle representations of emotion, character, and one's perception of events. "As the landscape changed from brown to green, the army awakened, and began to tremble with eagerness …

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…in Crane's The Red Badge of Courage". March 6, 1995. The Red Badge of Courage Online *Web sites were used throughout the paper as a general resource. ** The copy of The Red Badge of Courage in the literature book does not have this paragraph, but it is used in Rice's essay and in internet publications of the book.