Color Blindness - Tritanopia

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
TRITANOPIA Colour Blindness, defect of vision affecting the ability to distinguish colours, occurring mostly in males. Colour blindness is caused by a defect in the retina or in other nerve portions of the eye. Partial colour blindness, called dichromatism, consists generally of the inability to differentiate between the reds and the greens or to perceive either reds or greens; infrequently, the confusion may involve the blues or the yellows. Dichromatism is the most common form …

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…above 17. Tritanopia and other forms of colour blindness affect the sufferer as well as the general public. Some modern safety regulations require the testing of all transportation workers and in some cases colour-vision tests are also given to drivers of private automobiles and to such public employees as police officers and firefighters. Due to the genetic basis of dichromatism, there is a great debate regarding the possibility of using gene therapy to cure colour blindness.