Colonization of the New World between the English and the Spanish. Which groups ( Plymoth or Jamestown) more closely resembled the Spanish model of conlonization.

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Essay Database > History > World History
<Tab/>In the early history of the 1600's, North America had been discovered and establishment of the New World had begun. Although Spain and England both focused on the colonization and exploration of the Americas, their ambitions and goals were very different. The most important reasons for English colonization were religious freedom, to seek refuge, and new economic opportunities. The Spanish, on the other hand, exploited the New World in search …

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…the life of slavery. They both used slaves for labor needs, only they acquired them from different areas. Fear seemed to play a big motivation factor for many settlers. In order to have worked preformed, the people in power towered over the settlers and forced them to work. Efforts paid off, since economic success was the results. The English seemed to be kinder overall and a more efficient method of achieving goals than the Spanish.