Colonialization in Congo

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Essay Database > History
The new found independence of Congo caused a downward spiral for this inexperienced country. After years of being colonized by countries other than its own, Congo finally gained independence on August 15th from France and became the Republic of Congo. Instead of moving into a century of growth, The Congo seemed to regress after its independence in 1960. The Congo regressed in several ways. All of these ways attributed to the stagnation of The Congo. The …

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…France. Today, the widespread effects of colonialization of Congo by the French can still be recogonized. The influence was so dramatic, that main aspects of the French "way of life," were eventually adopted. One of the many examples of the impression that was left on Congo is the official language of the country, French. Other repercussions include a French based legal system, and a French based currency called a Communaute Financiere Africaine francs or XAF.