College essay

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Essay Database > Law & Government
BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, the alarm clock goes as it gradually gets louder. " Oh God" I think to myself as I drag myself out of bed. I knew I shouldn't have drank three Pepsis and not gone to the bathroom last night. I run down the hallway, with my legs crossed because my bladder is about to bust! I finally get the bathroom, after almost kicking down the door, and I sit down and do my …

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…they had to say, we would save toilet paper, thus saving trees. Saving trees may not concern some people, but they will be concerned when they don't receive enough oxygen to breath due to their obsessive toilet tissue wasting. Scott's motto is " Scott. Common sense on a roll." I wish people would get some common sense and stop wasting toilet paper, but if that doesn't work, there is only one solution, HIDE YOUR OWN ROLL!