College acceptance essay dealing with contemporary issues

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
My Story I want to tell you a story about mistakes - about growing up, screwing up and ending up unhappy, and it'd have tons of preachy tear-jerker scenes, endless regret and squalor, and the most bittersweet, contrived ending you've ever had the disservice of hearing. It'd have drugs, and depression, and deceit by the truckload, and every sentence would leave you angry, shocked or moved. The main character could be a kid my age, …

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…it all, make her decisions for her, but you know you can't, and it pains you to no end. But despite all the hardship and stupid decisions, you still somehow get the feeling that she's going to make it okay, and that she's going to eventually grow up and take charge, and that somewhere, years down the road, she's finally going to find happiness. And maybe, just maybe, that kid will thank you for caring.