Colleen and Anorexia Nervosa

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
This is a true story about a friend of mine named Colleen and she has Anorexia Nervosa. Colleen is only 16 years old and about 100 pounds at her normal and appealing weight. She became insecure about her weight due to a variety of issues and sadly became addicted to losing weight. Colleen chose to lose weight by nearly starving herself and exercising herself into a frenzy. She ate only plain salads and low-fat or non-fat foods …

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…the same time, I am not advocating obesity, but society should find a happy medium (but probably won't because it doesn't sell and make the big bucks for them). Bibliography 1. Anorexia nervosa and related eating disorders, Inc., "Medical and Psychological Problems" <Tab/> (accessed October 18, 2002) 2. The University of Texas Psychiatric Center, "Types of Eating Disorders" <Tab/>