Colin Powell

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
My Written Report is a Short Biography of Colin Luther Powell. He was born on May 5, 1937 in Presbyterian Hospital. He was born, and grew up, in the South Bronx, New York. There was a big influence of drugs and gangs where Powell lived but, he seemed to steer away from all of that (source 1, page 23). Powell's parents were immigrants from Jamaica. His mother's name is Muad Ariel McKoy. In Jamaica the McKoy fammily watched over …

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…Powell was a great inspiration for many people, from his life in the Bronx to the Chairman of joint Chief of Staff. At one point Powell's book was the nation's top seller. That shows you how much you people liked him [source 2(profile), page 1]. I really liked doing this report, I have learned a lot about Colin Luther Powell. Now I can look up to someone that has really accomplished a lot in his life.