Colin Luther Powell

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Colin Luther Powell was born on April 5, 1937, in The Bronx, N.Y. His parents were immigrants from Jamaica. Colin went to the City College of New York and earned a degree in geology. Later after college he joined the Pershing Rifles. This drill team was named after the General of the Army John Pershing. He soon became a four star general. For 35 years he was a professional soldier and had many command and staff duties. …

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…from the army he wrote a best-selling memoir called "My American Journey" and began a career as a public speaker talking about his experiences in life. He is now a republican and is willing to support liberal causes. He is for reasonable gun control and is against gays to serve in the military. His most recent award is the Silver Buffalo Award which is the highest adult award given by the Boy Scouts of America.