Cold war

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Essay Database > History
During the Cold War, the United States faced many international issues that either involved them in wars directly or indirectly. Because of this involvement, the United States entered a period of Cold War for over half a century. Some of the events that the United States was involved in, proved to be fruitful and other times a unwise decision. During 1954 to 1965, America became more involved with Vietnam for several important reasons, the most important one …

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…Because of America's lack of involvement in Stalingrad, the Soviets never really forgave the allies and had hard feelings towards them that were never resolved. These are a few of the international issues that the US faced directly and indirectly during the Cold War. If the US didn't involve themselves in certain international issuses, would the world be as it is now? Whether the US involvement was actually necessary in certain issues, you tell me.