Cold War: The Paradox That Was

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
From the last phases of World War II until the collapse of the Soviet Union on December 25, 1991, a period of turmoil and conflict dominated the planet known as the Cold War. During that time, this clash was the center of global politics, threatened international peace, and caused a buildup of nuclear arsenals, which today has sparked Operation: Iraqi Freedom. As we now look back at the conflict, it is frightening to see how many times …

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…of its former self after Brezhnev's administration. Mostly everyone knew that after 1988, the USSR was doomed, and that it was simply a matter of time before the once-great nation would become separate again. However, most of the former Soviet nations are still united together in a league called the Commonwealth of Independent States, which allows free trade, Now, in the Twenty-First century, the US and Russia are allies, fighting a common enemy known as terrorism.