Cold War Diplomacy

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Essay Database > Literature > English
This 187 page book by Norman Graebner covers the key American policy makers of the Eisenhower and Kennedy years. The book covers: setting the stage of American policy towards Europe from Roosevelt to Truman; the European Defense Community, Political Community and the Coal and Steel Community Loan; the sensitive Euratom agreement; European disagreements and the OECD; the Kennedy team and its inheritance; the Multi-Lateral Force failure; De Gaulle's conflicting world view; and the Atlantic partnership, Nassau …

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…Cold War crisis it can be seen that party lines are not necessarily a definitive boundary which requires that presidents of different parties have diffent forms of foriegn policy. The Cold War era illustrates how Eisenhower and Kennedy followed a similiar program which both felt would serve the common good of the nation and it worked. The presidents successfully helped achieve the widely-acclaimed goal of containment and contributed to the world we live in today.