Cold War Brinksmanship

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Essay Database > History
In the Cold War, many leaders and conflicts that occurred in the war played the Game of international brinkmanship. The main purpose was to get the opponent intimidated because one wanted to dominant between Industrial Capitalism and Communism, which the Americans wanted to band. Threats with nuclear weapons and riots by millions were put into play. Many good examples of this were the leaders of the period throughout the Cold War. Brinksmanship between Gorbachev and …

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…War would come at any second if anything else was done. Throughout the Cold War, leaders during the period played the game of international brinksmanship. With the game, the Americans and their allies won in great, which in result was the collapse of the Soviet Union. Gorbachev in conclusion tried to make Russia a reformed nation, and America other nations were finally at peace for the time being. S.O.A.P.S. Document A