Cold War

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Philip Huddleston December 5, 2000 INDOCHINA For many years, extreme political issues in the countries of Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand have readily effected the economic status of Indochina. Indochina is a name given to the peninsula between India and China, which includes Myanmar (formerly known as Burma), Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. In a narrower sense it refers only to Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam which were united under French rule as the Indochinese Union (more commonly …

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…Private property was eliminated, and peasants were given a new, if nominal, dominance in the social order, while in South Vietnam the social structure was not changed by the partition. Since the mid-1980s a more complicated social system has developed as a result of market economic reforms. Although most Vietnamese remain farmers, the number of industrial workers is dramatically increasing. Furthermore, an urban middle class is emerging, which includes many private entrepreneurs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**