Cold War

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Essay Database > History
The Cold War laid its effects on many countries and nations, however, for some parts of the world the end of the cold war had a much greater effect. Of all the countries and nations that were left with an everlasting impression of the Cold War, Germany was left with much more. The rise and fall of the Berlin Wall directly altered the make-up of society and government structure as well as the attitudes towards …

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…on each other; Germany could not last without a combined population and government. After the elections in the spring of 1990, the critics of the SED (Socialist Unity Party of Germany) took over the government. On October 3, 1990, the GDR (German Democratic Republic-East) ceased to exist; its territory and people were joined to the FGR (Federal Republic of Germany-West). The partition and division of Germany ended after four and a half decades, and Germany was finally united.