Cold War- events taken place during the war.

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The Cold War began in 1945. It was a silent war fought with frustration and disagreements taken out on plans and policies. The Cold War started shortly after World War II, it had been only about five years since the war. After World War II ended there was much tension between democratic and communist nations. The United States and Soviet Union were both superpowers competing for world leadership. The meetings at Yalta and Potsdam determined the …

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…Warsaw Pact was protection from any aggression from the NATO. Some communist countries were later brought down or had reached agreements with the democratic governments. In 1979 the U.S. and communist China had established diplomatic relations. In 1991 the Soviet Union had broken up. The Cold War came to an end. As a result there are fewer communist nations in the world. The NATO currently exists today and has made the world more united and peaceful.