Cold War - The Changing Relationship of the Superpowers

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Essay Database > History > World History
Cold War - The Changing Relationship of the Superpowers The United States and Soviet Union, the single most important rivalry of the twentieth century, started as a partnership. This irony was caused by the fact that the Germans were taking over Europe, which forced them in this relationship. Once Hitler was eliminated and Berlin destroyed, the tensions began rising. These two nations had completely opposite ideologies from the economic system to the political system. The …

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…watched G.I. Joe? The partnership that deteriorated and now is being rebuilt could have turned into a 'hot' war at anytime, and began a much more destructive world war. The cold war also had terrible effects on North Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and many other nations. Now that the tensions are over the U.S. now believes it must lead the world, the next century's social students can write on the effects of that policy.