Coketown: Imagery - Without an Image

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Coketown: Imagery - Without an Image It has been proven over the years and through the scrutiny of countless professionals that the human mind responds the most effectively to images - be they figurative or physical. The truth is that, when an individual has an image painted in his head, his level of comprehension is drastically improved. Images can be interpreted in numerous ways whether by film, picture or, as in the case of the …

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…Coketown will forever stay in the minds of the readers of Dickens' classic along with the plot that it supported. Perhaps, therefore, the image of Coketown could be the most important aspect of Hard Times; because, no message is worthwhile if the recipient cannot remember it. Dickens' work will be remembered for his beautiful use of words and exquisite writing talent - perhaps as the only ray of sunshine in the dreary town of Coketown.