Cognitive Interventions

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Cognitive Interventions: Positive Reinforcement Introduction Cognitive therapy emphasizes strategies which include logic and reason (Parrott, 2003, p. 302). Cognitive therapists use various types of techniques in counseling. According to Parrott, these include behavioral assessment, positive reinforcement, token economies, assertiveness training, modeling, relaxation training, systematic desensitization, and flooding. Therapists may employ one or more of the techniques when working with clients. Diverse processes are applied depending upon the client and types of issues presented. The focus of this …

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…nd ed.). Belmont, CA: <Tab/> Brooks/Cable/Thompson Learning Stoicism, (2006). Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved August 4, 2006, from University of Tennessee Web site:, (2006). Stroke Managing overview. U.S. News & World Report. Retrieved August 3, 2006, from U.S. News & World Web site: <Tab/>