Cogito in Brief.
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Intr. to Philosophy
Cogito in Brief
In his writings, Meditations on First Philosophy, Rene Descartes aims to provide a strong foundation for knowledge of the external world through many sections. Descartes, in the second section of his Meditations, subtitled: "The nature of the human mind, and how it is better known than the body" continues his search for truth, discarding any ideas that may be uncertain. He refers to Archimedes' famous line that given one
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far, Descartes is merely stating that he certainly can know that he exists, that he is a thinking thing, that his mind is more easily understood than his body" (Funkhouser). Works Cited Descartes, Rene. Reason and Responsibility. "Our Knowledge of the External World Meditations on First Philosophy" Meditation 2. Wadsworth Group. Belmont CA. 2002. p. 178-182. Funkhouser, Eric. Phil 2003. Lecture Notes. 27 March, 2003. Mind And Body- Descartes. p.
far, Descartes is merely stating that he certainly can know that he exists, that he is a thinking thing, that his mind is more easily understood than his body" (Funkhouser). Works Cited Descartes, Rene. Reason and Responsibility. "Our Knowledge of the External World Meditations on First Philosophy" Meditation 2. Wadsworth Group. Belmont CA. 2002. p. 178-182. Funkhouser, Eric. Phil 2003. Lecture Notes. 27 March, 2003. Mind And Body- Descartes. p.