Code of hammurabi.

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Essay Database > History > European History
Although Hammurabi was probably strong enough to maintain rule through the might of the sword, he provided a set of laws bringing justice and stability to a chaotic and violent region. His laws had the following sections: the prologue, the administration of justice, property, irrigation, loans and interest, regulation of trade, debt slavery, marriage and the family, adoption, personal injury and manslaughter, physician's fees and malpractice, building regulations, wage regulations, and an epilogue. Each line …

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…least some worth. The code closes with an epilogue. The good and wise king expects his laws to be maintained long after his passing. Because Hammurabi is the current king of kings, people living centuries later should honor this code. This will assure good government and stability throughout the land, and wickedness and evil will be banished. Future generations will thank their gods for having provided them with someone as wise and kind as Hammurabi.