Coca Cola Violates Human Rights.

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Essay Database > Literature
In business today, human rights are not considered. Human rights should be considered in every business organization. Neglecting human rights is a serious matter, because it can lead to abuse, murder, deception and immorality. Although a business may look successful, behind the scenes there may be horrid occurrences. Using Coca-Cola as an example, the company is looked upon as successful. Recently, Coca-Cola's bottling plant in Columbia has been accused of abusing its employees. Coca-Cola has …

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…because people would start backing away from it. Coca-Cola violates human right and should be stopped. Bibliography -<Tab/>Campaign to Stop Killer Coke: -<Tab/>The Michigan Daily: -<Tab/>The Coca-Cola Company: -<Tab/> -<Tab/>Merriam-Webster Online: