Coca-Cola Indochina Pte. Ltd In Vietnam.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Vietnam is a Pepsi dominated market with Pepsi having 55% of the market and coca cola products garnering only 39% of the market. Coca-cola has the required brand awareness but needs to improve brand acceptability in Vietnam. Therefore its market strategy i.e. advertisement plan, pricing plan and marketing logistics should be based on improving the brand acceptability to command a high order of brand loyalty. Pepsi has the first mover advantage in Vietnam and a good …

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…they can also get the Ho-chi Minh plant operational and as they would have sufficient brand loyalty they can use re-enforcement advertisement to help them to duplicate their success in South Vietnam. While drawing up the execution plans for the above Coca-Cola should also try to keep contingency money ready for changes due to forces beyond the control of the firms like political, government etc. which may affect the working of the above marketing plan.