Club Drugs

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Club Drugs The past decade has seen an increase in drug use by teens and young adults who are a part of the nightclub, rave, or trance scene. Ecstasy, GHB, Ketamine, and Rohypnol are among the most popular drugs available and have stirred up much controversy. Raves and trance events are generally night-long dances held in warehouses. Many who attend raves and trances do not use drugs, but those who do may be attracted to …

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…increased its research funding on these substances and has joined with four other organizations to launch a multimedia education campaign. We must all do our parts in combating this epidemic swooping the clubs and raves of the country. This year 230 deaths have been reported as a result of these four mentioned substances. Like every drug trend in the past, it takes hundreds of lives to be sacrificed to show how dangerous a substance can be.