Clotilde's Past: Authorial Father.

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
A native of El Paso, TX, Estela Portillo Trambley had a distinguished career as a writer. Her works make the women the main characters and she makes people have a new perspective of the Latino culture. The women in her stories are made strong and can accomplish many things in the world, such as for recognition and power. She married Robert Trambley when he was 21 years old and they raised six children. She was in …

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…old house. The story is a legend, and everyone knows it, the authority's father and the used daughter for money. This is a classic example of women's struggle towards unfair treatment in the past. This story took the lady with skills and bravery to finally free her fro the very authorities father, not only was it brave, but very touching, everyone hearing this story in real life would be admiring this woman because it happened.