Close reading of a Soliloquy in "Hamlet".

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Essay Database > Literature
During a soliloquy made in "Hamlet" by William Shakespeare, we see that Hamlet is a troubled man with feelings of insignificance, depression, and anger. The death of his father followed by the recent remarriage of his mother is just too much to handle for Hamlet, so as a catharsis of his emotions, Hamlet gives a powerful and emotional soliloquy describing his feelings. As Hamlet acts like a normal man to his stepfather, Claudius, soon after …

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…his resentment. He is extremely angry at his mother for "post(ing) with such dexterity to incestuous sheets!" He says that his mother commits incest by marrying her brother-in-law. His use of words such as "wicked", "rank", and "unrighteous" give an annoyed tone to the soliloquy as a whole. By closely reading the soliloquy made by Hamlet, we see that he is a depressed, overwhelmed, and angry young man with many issues to deal with.