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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Agriculture
Cloning is a new concept for many people, it is when scientists produce another being asexually, it's like duplicating another copy of yourself. There are three kinds of Cloning, adult DNA cloning, reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning. Each is different in its own way. Adult DNA cloning is a process of cloning a gene. Reproductive cloning is a technology used to generate an animal that has the same DNA as another currently or previously existing …

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…will be extremely expensive. More people will die each day because of hunger. More kids will become homeless because of the expenses. Chaos will spread all around the world, turning once a peaceful earth into a nightmare. In conclusion, cloning should not be allowed to continue developing. Cloning is very unreliable, and expensive. It's a waste of precious substances. Cloning could cause many problems, and complicates many things. It could turn our world into chaos.