Cloning and the USA
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Cloning and the United States Government
On February 24, 1997 Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland announced that scientists had cloned an adult mammal for the first time. These researchers removed a nucleus from a mammary gland of a sheep and implanted the nucleus into a sheep's egg with the egg's nucleus already removed. This embryo was then inserted into a surrogate sheep's uterus. This procedure is called somatic cell nuclear transfer cloning. This process could have a
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the negative. Many people feel strongly one way and with the lack of regulation on a research body, many may feel apprehensive about agreeing with this whole-heartedly. Federal governance over many research techniques could limit the speed at which cloning humans could be achieved, but down time on the physical research could do the same. Therefore, I feel with a gentle government hand looking out for society and privately funded research, more could be achieved.
the negative. Many people feel strongly one way and with the lack of regulation on a research body, many may feel apprehensive about agreeing with this whole-heartedly. Federal governance over many research techniques could limit the speed at which cloning humans could be achieved, but down time on the physical research could do the same. Therefore, I feel with a gentle government hand looking out for society and privately funded research, more could be achieved.