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Essay Database > Science & Technology
A clone is the name for a group of organisms or other living matter with exactly the same genetic material. Genetic material consists of genes, the parts of cells that determine characteristics in living things. Many examples of clones exist in nature. In human beings and other higher animals, clones form naturally when identical twins or other genetically identical multiple births occur. Single-celled organisms, including bacteria, protozoa, and yeast, produce genetically identical offspring through asexual …

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…to clone such amphibians as frogs and salamanders as early as the 1950's. In 1996, a group led by British scientist Ian Wilmut used the procedure to clone a sheep. They named the clone "Dolly." The event marked the first time a mammal had been cloned in this way. Since the cloning of Dolly, scientists from Japan, the United States, and elsewhere have used a similar technique to produce clones of mice, cattle, and other mammals.