ClockWork Orange

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Anthony Burgess's View That a Lack of Free Choice is Spiritually Condemning as Evident in A Clockwork Orange In all of my reading, I have come to the conclusion that Anthony Burgess is the greatest literary genius of the twentieth century. His masterpiece, A Clockwork Orange, is unrivaled in depth, insight, and innovation. The novel is a work of such quality, such perfection, that it seems to be written by a literary demigod. The novel's …

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…one's spiritual existence. This book delivers this message so powerfully, so overwhelmingly, that it leaves the reader in a state of awe and profound musing for some time after the book is read. This book demands, and commands, one's full attention and thought. Burgess seems to be inspired on a somewhat holy mission. His war is against moral oppression and the governments causing it. His weapon, a powerful one, is his incredible satiric writing ability.