Clinton's Winning Strategy In the 1992 Election. What was the strategy adopted by James Carville?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
Clinton's Winning Strategy In the 1992 Election In 1992 the Democratic candidate for President was Bill Clinton. Clinton had very little political experience compared to George Bush, the Republican candidate running for his second presidential term, however Clinton won over Bush. Bill Clinton won the presidential election of 1992 because he stressed the United States economic issues, favoring the middle class Americans using the slogan "It's the Economy, Stupid." President Clinton participated in student government in high school, …

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…because of turning the focus to the economy and the mistakes made by President Bush. Clinton won by 43% of the Electoral College votes while Bush only received 38% of the votes. This election was extremely important to the economy of the United States, imagine what it would be if Bush had won the election instead of Clinton. Clinton's ability to handle the media's attention and use it against Bush was the key to winning the election.