Cleverness in the Odyssey

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Mind over Matter The Odyssey One overlooked aspect of Greek poetry, involving journeys, monsters, and epic battles, is the need for intelligence and the effects of the lack there of. Odysseus is displayed as an intelligent man, yet at times he lets his pride and search for glory overshadow his intelligence, in many senses embodying man. This is very apparent in the scene involving Polyphemus, in this scene Odysseus displays great wit while needlessly ruining …

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…because he wins battles in an unorthodox method. Odysseus shows that the clever and intelligent side of man is capable of triumphant victory, while at the same time displaying how fame and too much pride can lead to downfalls either short term or long term. In analysis, Odysseus becomes an example to future heroes by showing the qualities they need to be a leader and what to watch out for in the search of fame.